Avatar setup

jump to the wardrobe

This is the place where you will be able to select your Avatar based on a preset. After that you will be able to customise the preset.

start the process

Touch the “select identity preset” button with your virtual fingertip to start the process. 

ProTipp: in the mirror you will see how you will look like.

ProTipp: don’t forget to press the save button at the end.

hunt for your style

after your selection, enter the city to hunt your accessories to create your personal style.

ProTipp: you can use the mirror in the store to directly try out who it looks on you.

style on the go

all the selected items will be displayed in our wardrobe. 

Now you can change your style on the go.

You are joining a session with a customer? take your serious style on.

You meeting your team on a Friday evening? get your casual style on.

change your shirt

grab the shirt you want to wear from your wardrobe.

ProTipp: upload via the ControlCenter your personal motif for your real personal style

get lipstick on

grab the lipstick

ProTipp: change the colour strength to fit your preference

more #kinderleicht clips for your support required?

check out the dedicated palylist on youtube:

click here


