RAUM Genius
this program teaches you everything you need to know to make your organization metaverse-ready!
get down to the nitty gritty and become an undeniable genius of RAUM
From the basics to onboarding others to full team administration and management. You’ll also learn practical methods to make virtual meetings and events simply great. Get your hands practically dirty and dive straight into the Genius program to become a die-hard master of RAUM. Get started and learn from a real teacher and real people in a group environment.
Genius BASE
Advanced Administration and Manage - add on
Are you the department that manages and administers VR in your company? Then Genius Advanced Administration is the choice for you and your team!
14 Hours Live Training +
(3h extra on in-house training)
6 Hours of self learning
Genius Certificate
* Required Genius BASE certification
Advanced Use - add on
You want to get the best out of RAUM for you and your team and become a master of spatial working and its methods? Genius Advanced Use is the right choice for you!
10 Hours Live Training +
3 Hours of self learning
* Required Genius BASE certification
Choose any course and book or schedule that suits you
Open Training
899 €
* shown pricing is for BASE course, other courses cost 1499€
** Trainings start with a minimum booking of 4 participants. Refunds will be available after two postponements.
*** Open trainings are non-exclusive. Participants in the queue will be considered first.
In-house Training
5.750 €
**** shown price is for BASE course, other courses cost 9350€
***** 6 participants max. Package pricing is not affected by number of participants.
Become a certified official RAUM genius!
With a successful graduation you’ll be honored with the official certification and grand access to quarterly “Community of Practice” Meetups and get all exiting news, learn to use new features, and grow on best practise from the community.
Note: re-certification is required to keep all benefits coming with the certification.